Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas to all who stumble upon my little corner of the blog world. My wish for all of you is to know the peace that comes from knowing our heavenly Father loves us so much he sent his son to show us. All things are possible with the Grace of God! I hope all of you will be surrounded by those you love the most this holiday season and cherish your time together. May 2012 bless all of you with good health,good friends and good times!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I feel so foolish, because I wrote one post years ago, and could never figure out how to post a new one! I was shocked and happy to see I've had many people click over to my sad pathetic blog and two kind souls have left me comments! I may just decide to work at figuring out this blogging thing, as I have so many things to share! Don't hold your breathe though! Just know that I am beyond happy that anyone comes to check me out! You make my day!