Friday, November 7, 2008

curious thoughts

Hello all! I am only 45 years old,but feel like I'm 90 when it comes to technology. Computers weren't used when I was in high school and they weren't even that common when I was in college. I've been reading some blogs and found that so many people have so much to say. Some are quite gifted in the art of writing. Their descriptions of things, well, you just feel like you are seeing exactly what they are seeing. I don't know that what I have to say will be of any interest to anyone, but thought I would put my toe in and try to join the 21st century! I must admit, that I do miss the art of letter writing. I always used to enjoy getting a letter from a friend from far away. Seeing their handwriting on the envelope was a visual reminder that a part of them was in my hands. I know..... it's stupid,but it felt more personal. I could hold their letter in my hands and reread it at my leisure. I could smell them. Does anyone know what I mean? Now, I have to check my email, and though it is so much quicker than writing the old way, it just isn't the same. The only thing that has improved is my typing speed. At least one skill I learned in high school is still usuable! Hopefully as time goes on I will figure out how to add pictures and make this interesting to someone other than me. I'm sure my kids could help me, but I really want to try and do this on my own. Is anyone out there?


for the love of a house said...

It's not stupid at all. I totally understand, and being a lover of paper-goods (stationary) I miss gettting notes in the mail. I try to send them as this way I get to buy more stationary!!

LL, did you get to read my response to you about the price of things we did?? I wrote a lenghty reply, but then blogger went down for a full day and deleted your comment and my reply. They have said they are going to add them all back, but as of yet it hasn't been done. If you find this note from me and didn't get to read my reply, please email me at and I will reply directly to you.
I didn't want you to think I didn't answer.
Also, thank you for your comment on the master bath!

Unknown said...

I know exactly what you mean, I feel the same way about texting. What happened to calling someone to actually talk. I even get annoyed when I get a "happy birthday" text. Hello!! Its' my birthday and you can't call to say it. Geez. And that was from my mother! LOL Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog. And just to answer your question, I never thought about selling the vinyl itself but I think I will. Since your "new" to the whole computer thing you may not know about You will love it. It's an online sales website where everything is handmade or antique. There are many vinyl sellers on that site. Another thing I wanted to do, since I am fairly new at blogging, I'm inching up to 100 friends or followers. I'm going to have a giveaway once I hit 100. And I'm thinking of giving away vinyl. =)