Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas to all who stumble upon my little corner of the blog world. My wish for all of you is to know the peace that comes from knowing our heavenly Father loves us so much he sent his son to show us. All things are possible with the Grace of God! I hope all of you will be surrounded by those you love the most this holiday season and cherish your time together. May 2012 bless all of you with good health,good friends and good times!


Ann from On Sutton Place said...

I tried to respond to a comment you left on my blog but your email isn't enabled. You asked about my yellow pillows on my sofa. Yes I made them. I switch them out all the time but I like this look a lot. Thanks for visiting my blog!

bj said...

I sure do thank you for your sweet message. Thank you for taking the time to let me know you enjoy reading my blog. I am sooo not a writer...I just write like I talk and I only write about things that happen in my life. Not a very exciting life, I'm afraid. Cooking is a big part of the blog as I do love to cook and bake. :)
Thanks again....xoxo bj